168 IYL Singles: Coheed and Cambria (ft. Rick Springfield) "Jessie's Girl 2"

The last time we heard from Coheed and Cambria they were weaving a tale of an epic space battle. Now they’ve teamed up with Rick Springfield to continue the epic tale of Jessie’s Girl in “Jessie’s Girl 2!”

This week: What songs deserve a sequel? Does anyone else remember Peter Schilling’s “Major Tom (Coming Home)"?” And what is RIck Springfield’s real name? All this and so much MORE!

Don't want to end the fun? Check out our Spotify playlists for more music choices from Ramsey and Heather.

Wanna get a shout-out on a future episode? Give us a rating on iTunes! It helps us, and it helps you feel good about yourself!

Heather Hynes