134 Vulture's 10 Best Emo Songs of All Time


The second Vulture published their list of 100 best emo songs of all time, you told us we had to cover it, but Heather was all over it. This week we tackle their top 10 and see if we agree! (One of us does not.)

This week: What TV show is Heather watching one sketch at a time? We debate the merits of list articles! And why is Ramsey apologizing to the performers behind songs 4-100? All this and MORE!

Don't want to end the fun? Check out our Spotify playlists for more music choices from Ramsey and Heather.

Wanna get a shout-out on a future episode? Give us a rating on iTunes! It helps us, and it helps you feel good about yourself!

Heather Hynes